On the warpath

On the warpath
On the warpath

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Problem with Budgets and why people get over indebted

The concept of over indebtedness was placed in focus by the National credit act when they implemented the system of debt counselors whose main task is to determine whether an individual is over indebted and then make suggestions and implement a plan to eventually alleviate the problem.
This is all fine and well – except that this system implies an illness of which the main virus is DEBT.
All the gurus will tell you that the easiest ways to get out of debt is to not get into it. Debt is like alcohol.
You and me and most people we know will drink a wine ever so often and we will not become alcoholics
This is the same with debt.  People need to buy a house or a car which is big expense and that is why there is a thing called DEBT.
Now the best thing you can do when you are intending on buying  a house is to see whether your budget can handle it.  Most people I know do the maths in their heads and say “Yes!”  We can manage that.
Next is the car purchase.  And the personal loan that the bank told you to take out to furnish the house and “By the way...Here is a credit card for you to manage the little day to day expenses”
Sounds familiar?
What is wrong with this picture ?
So you take my advice and draw up a budget..............
You will look at it once a month and say ...yea we are still all right!
Are you ?   
The problem here is the following: Unless that budget of yours is in writing and updated daily with every minute detail where money is concerned the Debt monster is somewhere in your future and the next thing you know you are in his trap !
Why are most dieting programs short lived and not working?   It does not become a lifestyle. You do not have a coach that will guide you  and to whom you are accountable.
It is the same with  budgets: If it does not become a lifestyle and you are not accountable to anyone it will fail – sooner or later

FOOD FOR THOUGHT:  Do not buy anything on credit unless it is in your budget. Every time you use your credit card it is debt being created and I will guarantee you that that purchase is not in your budget (Really?  Did you write it down beforehand in your budget?)

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